Our Toddler Nursery, located off the Fellowship Hall, offers a warm, colorful, and caring environment for your precious little ones. It is designed for toddlers from 12 to 36 months. We also have a quiet and comfortable Infant Nursery, equipped with couches and cribs for babies under one year and their moms.
For children 3 through 6 years old, we offer Junior Church. Your child will participate in crafts, Bible stories, music, and group activities. Junior Church is offered during our 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning service.
We also have Sunday School! Your children, from 3 years old through 12th grade, will be at home in our Sunday School classes, prepared just for them during the 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Sunday School Hour.

CFC places a high priority on providing fun and educational youth opportunities. Your girls and boys will experience church on Sunday mornings like never before. With lessons, games, music, and video all created to present God's truth in exciting and innovative ways. They won't want to miss a single service.
Olympians: Grades 1st - 6th Thursday from 6:30–8:00 pm
The format is one-third lesson time, one-third class time, and one-third game time.
Dynamic leaders, monthly activities, rewards programs, and special events are a part of
our Youth program, along with a yearly camp out.
Vacation Bible School: Annually
Teen Group: 7th - 12th Grade Thursday from 6:30-8:00 pm
The format is one-third game time, one-third lesson, and one-third group discussion.
Amazing leaders, monthly socials, regional events, and incentive awards are a part of our Teen program, along with a yearly campout.
Ministries: Our Teens do the entire evening service three
Sundays a year.
Children’s Sunday School at CFC is a time for Bible exploration, challenging lessons, enriching games, crafts, and lots of fun. Experienced Sunday school teachers will guide your child through the Bible as we help them to discover God's Word and apply it to their lives in an exciting way. CFC Children’s Sunday school is fun place to discover God's truth and make new friends while learning about God.
Teen Sunday School at CFC is a time for challenging lessons, looking into the Bible for answers to those hard questions, and thoughtful discussions. It provides a safe environment to make good friends and leaders who are willing to listen and encourage them to stay strong in the struggles they are facing.
Youth Fund: The teens do fundraising which gives scholarships to those going to Christian Camp and enrolling in their first year of a Christian College. Recyclable cans and bottles are collected and redeemed as well.
Teen Auction: Every year the CFC faithful come the Teen Auction to look for deals and raise money for the CFC scholarship fund. The fun and proceeds are all for a good cause. The money raised goes into a College scholarship fund which gives money for tuition to any CFC first year student attending a Christian college.
Teen Outings
Snow Camp: Camping in the dead of winter! Sound fun? It really is. The teen group goes to the Word of Life camp in upstate New York for an action packed weekend of winter sports, summer sports played in the winter, competitions, racing and too many fun activities to list. There are many devotional and bible teaching times throughout the weekend.
Reverb: Have you ever stayed up all night to watch a hockey game, go bowling, go roller skating and eat lots of pizza? It’s time you did! Each Fall the CFC teen group attends the “Superbowl” event hosted by Word of life. Make sure to sign up for the next Reverb. You’ll be glad you did.
CFC Teen Service Skit 2013
The Teens do the entire evening service three
Sunday evenings a year. Singing, Skits, dramas & preaching all play a part of the service.